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Al Parker and Rydar Hanson in HEAD TRIPS (1984) Mark Rebel Fucks Brian Hawks in ONE SIZE FITS ALL (1984) A voyeur cums hard while watching another man at the beach Hot bodybuilder showing his muscles & dick for the camera After sweating, that guy is stroking himself until he cum! The Thai Bird Sexy man gets hot while cleaning his car and does a wet show Making Straight Dante Cum Hot blowjob from brutal man Centurians Of Rome Getting It! Finale These guys stop the workout and fuck each others men holes Lonely dude wanking off outside after a hard day's work! Lonely handsome guy lifting weight then having an orgasm! Beautiful vintage boy wanders the beach in the nude Beautiful & hot blond is jerking off peacefully at his ranch one guy sucks a cock coming out of an ass roughly fucked! two fit men pick up an attractive stranger to have a 3some Coming Together.

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